Played the main role in the incident at Goejanverwellesluis in 1787, which led to a Prussian invasion of the Netherlands and a large refugee flow abroad.
Played an important role in America's recognition. Thanks to a petition movement in which he played a significant role, the Netherlands became the first major power in the world to recognize the independence of the United States around 1780.
Wrote in 1793 the book In welk opzicht kunnen de mensen gezegd worden gelijk te zijn? (In what way can people be said to be equal?). This book was summarized in the Holland Declaration of Human and Civil Rights, which Pieter Paulus promulgated in The Hague on 31 January 1795.
Chairman of the first national parliament (‘First National Assembly’) on 1 March 1796.
Implemented many constitutional changes and incorporated Netherland into the French Empire in 1810.